Prevalence of Mobile Optimization in SEO of 2017

So, it finally happened. Mobile took over desktop from the perspective of number of searches made in search engine. This shift cannot be termed as something exceptional because Google had reported consistent and rapid rise in the number of searches made from mobile devices back in 2015.

Hence, a quicker conclusion that we can draw in this regard is that mobile internet has prevailed over the desktop internet. With that said, some may perceive responsive as a complete solution to deal with this shift. Nevertheless, there are still some major issues that need to be addressed. The very common issue with a responsive design is that a website with tiniest flaws, which are not visible on desktop, is more likely to display dinosaur-sized errors in mobile. The problem here is not about the site’s responsiveness; it’s more about tackling site’s optimization issues.

Here, it would be worth mentioning what Google really wants from SEOs. The simplified statistical statements by Google say it all.

  1. People search on mobiles more than desktops
  2. If site is not mobile-friendly, it’s five times more probable for that site to be abandoned
  3. If a website takes more than three seconds to load, half of mobile users would leave that site

Keep these Indianapolis SEO trends in mind and you will be able to work on technical aspect to make a website mobile-friendly.

Mobile-first index

Although mobile has been a considerable factor in the process of assigning rank to a website, desktop is still the primary ranking signal. Nevertheless, it is going to be changed in 2017 with mobile-first index. So, the content, speed and user experience with respect to usability of mobile version of a website are going to be deciding factors. Desktop will still be a deciding element but it will be put in the secondary position.

Approaches to make website mobile friendly

To make a website truly mobile-friendly, user experience is the first thing to be taken into the account. Below mentioned are three approaches to make a website mobile-friendly.

  • Responsiveness of web design
  • Content that is dynamic
  • Separate URLs for mobile version

While second two approaches are ultimate solutions to make a website mobile friendly, the first approach needs to be dealt with proper attention. It’s not just the dynamic scaling that you will need to work on but it has also to be made sure that website design transforms its display for good when its dimensions are changed in different devices.

Mobile optimization

Mobile usability is the main factor that is taken into the account for testing the level of optimization performed on a website. Some of the factors are asunder.

  • Speed is one of the most important aspects for any mobile website. If a page loads faster on mobile, that website is not only liked by users but also by search engines.
  • Flash doesn’t do very well on the mobile versions of websites. Instead, a different technology for mobile versions may appropriate.
  • If the viewport of a mobile website isn’t configured appropriately, the website would get adjusted in the small screens, making the website less attractive.
  • Along with the viewport, the size of content and fonts should also be configured according to different sizes.

These are a few optimizations approaches that shouldn’t be ignored while optimizing a website for mobile.

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